Tag Archives: learning

How to tell your level when learning a foreign language

  • brain-with-plug-4408469_640Proficient at listening if you can perfectly grasp the finer shades of the language of a native-like stand-up comedian
  • Proficient at speaking if you can quarrel over important or trivial matters
  • Proficient at writing if you can write both a succinct CV and a poem
  • Proficient at reading if you can read tabloid articles and still get the actual news

How to survive abroad without speaking the language

Back to Greece after spending three months working in Madrid, Spain. As soon as I set foot there, I realized that very few people spoke English. That wouldn’t be such a problem if I spoke Spanish.

Problem no.1: check!

After surviving the (communication) theatre of the absurd, I came up with a list of tips that saved me and let me have a really good time.

Continue reading How to survive abroad without speaking the language

Millennials – That big of a problem!

I have just stumbled upon a social media post ranting about the millennial workforce.

#they listen to nobody

#they don’t want to learn

#they have the attention span of a flea

#they always need something

Well…urban myths have always been in fashion! The truth is that millennials constitute a great asset to the workforce. Let me explain why.

Continue reading Millennials – That big of a problem!